
905-479-6668 (call) 416-561-0623 (text)

Opening Hours

Sun-Sat: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

This Promotion has ended

(It ran from December 28th, 2022 until January 18th, 2023)

E&M Wellness is celebrating its 8 Year Anniversary

Once again we’d like to thank our regular customers for their loyalty and encourage new customers to join in the celebration. To do so, we’ve dropped the prices of our massages back to 2014 rates! Until Wednesday January 18th 2023, the following rates will apply:

30 Minutes – $40 $35

45 Minutes – $50 $40

60 Minutes – $60 $50

Booking your appointment in advance is highly recommended. To ensure that you receive the promotional rate, please pay the room fee directly to the receptionist.

Check out our other rates at

Some graphics courtesy of Vecteezy

Last Updated on January 19, 2023 7:40 AM by Site Administrator